Cancer Symptoms-Brain Cancer Etc. Blog

Smoking Increases Lung Cancer Risks

Smoking Increases Lung Cancer Risks

Smoking Increases Lung Cancer Risks It would almost seem like a given in this day and age that people would know and understand that smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer. Secondhand smoke has even been linked with increased lung cancer risks. Even were a person to never smoke a cigarette or be subjected to secondhand smoke, the possibility of lung cancer remains very real. But smoking cigarettes is nothing short of adding more bullets to a gun being used to play Russian Roulette—eventually, the odds of getting lung cancer will become impossible to ignore. In a normal body,...

Art Competition Paints Picture of Cancer

Art Competition Paints Picture of Cancer

Art Competition Paints Picture of Cancer A cancer diagnosis brings out many emotions that cannot always be expressed through words alone. Art, however, can bring them to life in a powerful way. An international competition is giving cancer patients, survivors, their families, physicians and others affected by cancer a chance to share their experiences and inspire others through art. Entries for “Lilly Oncology on Canvas: Expressions of a Cancer Journey” are being accepted through July 31. This is the second contest presented by Eli Lilly and Co., in partnership with the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship. “People affected by cancer...

Confused About Cancer? This Article Is For You

Confused About Cancer? This Article Is For You

Confused About Cancer? This Article Is For You Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be among the most tragic moments in a person’s life. However, it can be easier to deal with the many challenges of cancer if we are equipped with the proper advice and information. This article contains advice that will help you on your way to understanding and dealing with cancer. Having to take large pills in frequent doses can be a huge annoyance and cause discomfort when fighting your cancer. Taking them with a food source like a milkshake, ice cream, or apple sauce is a great...

Women and Lung Cancer: Researchers Look For Gender Connection. Female Cancer Patients Sought For Large-Scale Clinical Trial

Women and Lung Cancer: Researchers Look For Gender Connection. Female Cancer Patients Sought For Large-Scale Clinical Trial

Women and Lung Cancer: Researchers Look For Gender Connection. Female Cancer Patients Sought For Large-Scale Clinical Trial According to a recent survey on health concerns, women fear breast cancer most. Despite the fears expressed in the survey, conducted by the International Communications Research of Media for the Society of Women’s Health Research in 2005, lung cancer is actually the leading cancer killer of women. Lung cancer takes the lives of approximately 68,000 women each year. While smoking is the biggest risk factor for lung cancer, there is growing evidence that points to gender differences in the risk of developing lung...

colon cancer and spontaneous remission

colon cancer and spontaneous remission

colon cancer and spontaneous remission Among the most spread cancers, colon cancer usually occurs in men and women over the age of 50. Two of the best things you can do to reduce the risk of colon cancer from causing your early demise is to eat right and to seek early detection at the first sight of a problem. Just by increasing the amount of fiber you eat daily by 3 / 4 ounce, you can dramatically change your risk of getting colon cancer and many other colon diseases. Add 3 / 4 ounce of fiber to your daily diet...

Don’t Let Cancer Devastate Your Life! 3

Don’t Let Cancer Devastate Your Life! 3

Don’t Let Cancer Devastate Your Life! Cancer is a disease that comes in many forms. Some cancers, such as lung cancer, are caused by the inhalation of tobacco products like cigarettes. Other cancers, such as testicular cancer have no clear cause. No matter what the cancer is, it can be deadly. In addition to being deadly, it is also treatable if detected early. The tips in this article will help you combat cancer. When facing cancer, you should remember to anticipate physical changes. Cancer and cancer treatments such as chemotherapy will cause your body to experience changes, such as hair...

Cancer Tips To Comfort Patients And Loved Ones

Cancer Tips To Comfort Patients And Loved Ones

Cancer Tips To Comfort Patients And Loved Ones When it comes to dealing with the physical and emotional impact of any disease or illness, it is vital to be well iformed. This is particularly true when it comes to cancer. Here are a few facts that you might find very helpful. To help prevent cancer, drink pomegranate juice daily. Pomegranate juice contains a valuable mix of isoflavones, polyphenols, and ellagic acid which some believe are anti cancer ingredients. It has been proven to have a positive effect on prostate cancer in some laboratory animals. Pomegranate just might boost your own...

The Most Dreaded Disease Among Women

The Most Dreaded Disease Among Women

The Most Dreaded Disease Among Women Cancer! Just one word but it can cause thousands of shivers and a heavy heart when you hear it. Undoubtedly, cancer is considered as the most dreaded disease among women. Although heart diseases currently rank as the top life-threatening health complication in women, the development of cancer among women is still considered as prevalent among the female population. Based on statistics released by the American Cancer Society, nine out of ten women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. With the dreadful the circumstances revolving around this type of disease, it is important that...

Things That Everyone Should Know About Cancer

Things That Everyone Should Know About Cancer

Things That Everyone Should Know About Cancer Cancer is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Cancer causes cells in the body to grow abnormally, creating tumors. Cancer can be caused by many things and divided into many types, all of which can be fatal if not treated. The advice in this article will help you with cancer. Eating a balanced diet is a solid cancer-fighting tool to keep in your arsenal. Especially with colon cancer, diets that are high in fat and cholesterol have a direct correlation to cancer, so maintain balance in your diet to fight against...

Important Tips To Supporting Loved Ones With Cancer

Important Tips To Supporting Loved Ones With Cancer

Important Tips To Supporting Loved Ones With Cancer Cancer is often known as the silent killer. This is because cancer usually surprises individuals who have it, sneaking up on them without much warning. Though cancer seems to appear somewhat without warning, it can be detected in its early stages. The information in the following article will help you detect cancer. If you have been exposed to any type of asbestos, dangerous chemicals in paint, or other types of dangerous substances through your job or home, you should be visiting the doctor at least once per year to receive check-ups and...