The Most Dreaded Disease Among Women

The Most Dreaded Disease Among Women

Cancer! Just one word but it can cause thousands of shivers and a heavy heart when you hear it. Undoubtedly, cancer is considered as the most dreaded disease among women. Although heart diseases currently rank as the top life-threatening health complication in women, the development of cancer among women is still considered as prevalent among the female population. Based on statistics released by the American Cancer Society, nine out of ten women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. With the dreadful the circumstances revolving around this type of disease, it is important that women are aware of the high risks of developing breast cancer. By doing so, they can incorporate preventive measures in order to avoid the possibilities of the disease.
The first step into understanding breast cancer is to know how cancer cells develop within this part of a woman’s body. In several studies, cancer cells begin to form when a girl reaches twelve years old or when she starts in the first stages of adolescence. Like most cancer cells, breast cancer cells are abnormal cells which might have been caused by the mutation of normal cells and bacteria that enter into the body. When the mutation occurs, it develops into a cancer cell that spreads outwards into the rest of the immediate areas.
Certain factors can result to breast cancer and one of this is genetics. A family with a history of breast cancer can increase the possibility that the younger generation of women will be at risk with the disease. An unhealthy regular diet which consists of saturated fats is also linked to the formation of breast cancer cells. Medication is also considered as a probable cause of breast cancer as women who have undergone estrogen replacement therapy have been found to develop breast cancer cells, as well.
Just like most types of cancer, the mutilated cells slowly spread into the body, thereby leading to different stages of the tumor. Although it is a life-threatening illness, breast cancer is curable when the complication is addressed at the earlier stages. Despite misconceptions that breast cancer is inevitable, it is important to know that women can actually have full control of their body and their health. Certain preventive measures have to be taken in order to avoid the development of these cancer cells and even other health complications.
Medical researches tell us that one major factor that can cause cancer would be the presence of free radicals inside the body. Once these free radicals start to destroy the cells, the mutilation begins and thus this is the first stage that can develop a normal cell into a cancerous one. Although it is true that the human body is frequently attacked by free radicals on a daily basis, a fresh supply of antioxidants can help reduce or eliminate the presence of these foreign bodies. Antioxidants can come from different kinds of supplements and food choices, but the major source of antioxidants would be food selections containing Vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene. Daily intake of these vitamins and mineral can help the body in preventing the buildup of free radicals.
A healthy diet is also essential for women who are currently confronting the bouts of breast cancer. Nutritionists and physicians highly-recommend food options rich in protein and vitamins. Phytonutrients which is commonly found in broccoli, soybeans, soy milk, and tofu has a natural capacity to destroy cancer tissues. Additionally, a compound in soy milk known as genistein was found to be an effective deterrent to tumor growth.

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